Originally Posted By: 655321
umm, then what is it about? some guy bought this bldg. what is the problem here? just because some ppl might be offended by a *gasp* mosque near ground zero, doesn't mean he can't do with his property what he wants. i doubt ppl would be as upset if it was a yogurt shop or shoe store.

No one here has said he doesn't have the freedom to do what he's doing. The point here is the mentality behind it: there is, quite simply, no way this person does not know that people would see this as an insult--neither would the mysterious parties who're funding his operation.

And thus, it's reasonable to assume that it is indeed his intent to insult the people involved in 9/11. I mean, if this thing is built there, it's pretty much guaranteed that Osama's gonna send out a tape claiming that it's a monument to their victory.

His religion is simply the medium of the insult since it was Islamic rationale that justified the terrorist attack in the first place. No one's made any assertion with regards to Islam beyond that margin of reasoning.