Tully Blanchard Vs Magnum TA from 1985[/b]
Match introduced by Tully, who funnily says that he didn't actually say I Quit! Fantastic Match! This has not dated at all. Only problem though is that Is this match has been on quite a few dvds, so I've seen it many times. Tully is a truly superb worker, I would have loved to have seen Tully and Flair go at it in their primes, that would have been so cool but it would have to be Heel Vs Heel - I don't want flair being a face. I used to always thing Arn Anderson was the superior of the two but I have since reconsidered.
I saw this match a couple years ago, you are correct it hasn't aged! I find Magnums work flat sometimes but Tully pulled him through it. If this was on a PPV today it would steal the show. If I was Dixie Carter (or Vince), I would hire Tully and Arn and every wrestler would go through a training with them.