Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
I watched a few on the first disc...IRS vs the 1-2-3 Kid, Bret Hart vs Doink (who can actually wrestle, despite the gimmick) The Million Dollar Man vs Razor Ramon, just dreadful matches. Vince on commentary takes the cake. Good FUCKING grief did he suck. Luger vs Yokozana...Luger wins by countout, and he celebrates like he won the title. Horrible stuff all around. That's just the 1st disc.

I moved on to the last disc...it got better, but WWE was so lame and cheesy back then.

I remember that Summerslam!

The 1-2-3 Kid was on a winning streak after beating Razor Ramon and the Million Dollar Man! He then gets beaten fairly easily by IRS! X-Pac must have been a bad boy even back then!

Does Hart face Lawler after doink?

But that is the biggest WTF, Lugers count out win over Yokozuna! With all the faces coming down and carrying him around as if he's won the belt! What happened behind the scenes to make this happen? Surely Luger was supposed to win the title?

Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!

I shit on Hogan!