Sting Vs Cunt from 1997
Where to begin with this? After masterfully building up the return of Sting, WCW royally fuck up his come back match!
I think Sting should have be allowed to have had the match Goldberg had with Hogan a few years later - having most of the offence and then beating the twat in under 10 minutes!
Hogan had been protrayed as a coward since turning heel but in this match he was all over Sting, getting most of the offence.
But the real shitcunt of this match is the result, It get's restarted after Hogan gets the pin. Apparently NWO ref Nick Patrick was supposed to do a quick count but did a regular count, so Hogan won fair and square! I don't know who to blame! I feel Sting had been wrestling long enough to know when to take matters into his own hands, being a suck-dick company man isn't always the best thing to be. He should have insisted on having more offence, or maybe even shooting on Hogan a little, lets face it, I don't believe Hogan to be a real tough guy. But most importantly, when the ref counted 2, slowly, Sting should have kicked out regardless.
So what we got was a complete wasted build up of Sting and introduction of Bret Hart, who looked a right wanker for trying to restart the match even though Horan won in the middle of the ring.
If it was Hogan who booked the match, then he is truly the cunt of cunts. Ruining the runs of what could have been 2 of the biggest faces in WCW at the time.
Hogan's creative control clause completely destroyed this match. way to ruin a year and a half long buildup, cuntface!