Don't forget, he also ruined Bret Harts introduction!
I still think Sting should have had the balls to kick out at Nick Patricks slow count!
What happened to Sting after this? He had a rematch were he beat Hogan but the match had no heat and then lost the title fairly soon after to Randy Savage!
Back to the upper mid-card for you, Stinger!
Though hindsight is a fine thing, if Sting had stood his ground, he could have quite easily been punished and jobbed out to Disco Inferno!
So, do you think The Cunt deliberately sabotaged Hart in this match? Remember there was mention of problems between them because Hogan wouldn't put Bret over for the WWF title 14(?) years earlier?
This got me thinking how out of touch Hogan was - even by the mid 90s! Why would he rather put over a lardarse(yokozuna) than an athlete(Hart)?
80s cunt!