Originally Posted By: ROY BATTY
 Originally Posted By: Grimm
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
Do you remember a WWF show that was on tape called The Wrestling Classic? I had given up hope at the time of any of my favorites winning because it seemed like only a few select guys won anything. I was surprised and excited when JYD won the tournament! this has nothing to do with this thread but I don't process thoughts coherently!

it was an early ppv, wasn't it? I came across a vhs copy years ago when I lived in Mobile. the movie gallery there had an amazing selection of old WWF tapes. they had that as well as the Hart Foundation tape, the Piper tape, etc. great stuff.

The oldest tape I have is the British Bulldogs one!

don't think I've seen that! most of what I have seen is ppv stuff, which was uneven depending on their opponents. they should really do a Bulldogs dvd. they have so much stuff in their vaults.