Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh ass-kicky Moderator Lawyers Guns & Money 15000+ posts 14 seconds ago Making a new reply Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Re: Senate moves forward Obamacare, against will of the people Matter-eater Man argumentative User Fair Play! 7500+ posts 1 minute 13 seconds ago Making a new reply Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Re: Senate moves forward Obamacare, against will of the people
Besides, you know the rules. We can't fact-check legislation that will affect generations of people. We have to limit that activity to important stuff, like biographies of former republican officials.
Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
The public option part of either bill in congress is a tiny part of the actual bill and who would actually be covered by it. To generalize the whole bill as just that ignores most of the reform.
Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
The public option part of either bill in congress is a tiny part of the actual bill and who would actually be covered by it. To generalize the whole bill as just that ignores most of the reform.
There's more to socialism than the public option. Forcing people to buy insurance. Forcing companies to buy insurance. Government deciding which treatments are coverable by everyone. You didn't know this? Let me guess you haven't read any of the details.
The public option part of either bill in congress is a tiny part of the actual bill
That's technically true. When you factor in other socialist measures like tax increases, payouts to unions, special pork for states with wavering politicians and other redistribution schemes, the text of the bill dealing directly with the government takeover of 1/6 of the U.S. economy is actually a small part of the language of the bill.
look iggy, i along with MEM are sick of people taking Obama's promises and twisting them into his intentions. just because he said that's his ultimate goal it shouldnt be taken out of context as his ultimate goal.
The Senate voted 60-39 along party lines Saturday night to take up sweeping healthcare overhaul legislation, a victory that belies the tough haul ahead to assuage lingering Democratic concerns that threaten final passage. ...
Your title isn't really honest WB. This was a vote for debate on the health care bill not a vote that passes the bill.
It's a moving forward of legislation that the American public overwhelmingly has no faith in and doesn't want (see my quoted Rasmussen polls above).
What's dishonest is Barack Obama saying he's doing this to lower cost of healthcare, when it will actually increase the cost of healthcare tremendously. What's dishonest is Obama saying this will provide more people with healthcare, when in fact it will just diminish (i.e., ration) medical service for everyone, especially the 85% of Americans who are already insurance.
All this will do is give the Democrats paper political victory, to say "we did something", despite that it will in fact be bad --or at best meaningless-- legislation, that will cost taxpayers trillions and vastly increase our national debt. And possibly be the final spending spree that will make our nation implode economically.
What's dishonest is Obama saying he's trying to build our economy, while in fact he is trying to wreck another one-sixth of it (the healthcare industry) by creating a public option that in Obama's own videotaped words are intended to wreck private care and replace it completely with a single-payer system (i.e. socialized medicine) over "10, 15, maybe 20 years".
What's dishonest is you pushing Obama's false talking points, despite that at this point you must be able to see what the truth is.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
... What's dishonest is you pushing Obama's false talking points, despite that at this point you must be able to see what the truth is.
Where did I push false talking points?
Health care as it is now isn't sustainable. My workplace usually has it increased considerably every year by the insurance companies. They absorb most of the increase but it gets harder every year for them. You can pretend everything will be ok if it just keeps going on as is but I'm interested in having affordable health care for my family.
I would post something about you not loving yourself Rex but you probably do love yourself quite a bit. Does your poor mom get stuck cleaning up all that self love?
the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh ass-kicky Moderator Lawyers Guns & Money 15000+ posts 14 seconds ago Making a new reply Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Re: Senate moves forward Obamacare, against will of the people Matter-eater Man argumentative User Fair Play! 7500+ posts 1 minute 13 seconds ago Making a new reply Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Re: Senate moves forward Obamacare, against will of the people
Matter-eater Man argumentative User Fair Play! 7500+ posts 17 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Democrats Force A Vote on Healthcare Today
the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh ass-kicky Moderator Lawyers Guns & Money 15000+ posts 14 seconds ago Making a new reply Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Re: Senate moves forward Obamacare, against will of the people Matter-eater Man argumentative User Fair Play! 7500+ posts 1 minute 13 seconds ago Making a new reply Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Re: Senate moves forward Obamacare, against will of the people
Again, this is in opposition to an overwhelming majority of American voters, who oppose this plan with a 2-to-1 margin. And snuck through in the dark of night in a last-minute Christmas eve vote.
If it was the will of the people, I would disagree but at least say there was a popular demand for this healthcare spending. But the people overwhelmingly oppose this reform. And it will destroy our healthcare system, while further bankrupting the nation. Which Obama will probably compensate for by printing a few trillion more dollars. Weimar Republic, here we come.
Do you feel everything the congress does should be poll driven WB?
Why should the government listen to the people who elect them?
If that were the case then there should have been a public option in the bill.
You really have no reading comprehension skills at all. I ask you a question and you bring up something barely related to what I said. I can't imagine why you and your kind (tards, not fags) are so in love with obama. As long as he says something you love him, no matter how stupid it is.
November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
I don't live in California so it really wasn't ever a big deal to me reguardless. Nor is legal gay marriage something that I expect to happen anytime soon. Eventually it will happen but I'm fine with the status quo. I just count myself fortunate to have found somebody special.
Do you feel everything the congress does should be poll driven WB?
Why should the government listen to the people who elect them?
If that were the case then there should have been a public option in the bill.
You really have no reading comprehension skills at all. I ask you a question and you bring up something barely related to what I said. I can't imagine why you and your kind (tards, not fags) are so in love with obama. As long as he says something you love him, no matter how stupid it is.
I asked Dave a question and you throw a big hissy fit.