Congratulations to TK, owner of "Los Donkeypunchers". They won the coveted Yahoo! Gold Trophy.
Joe Mama, GM/Owner/Personnel Director/TNA iMpACt! reviewer, took home the coveted Silver Trophy.
I had to settle for the coveted Bronze.
The rest of the standings:
4. stuck with the check (k-nut)
5. ptoo! (Sammitch)
6. Quittouchingmyballs (Ultimate Jake)
7. PJP's Cobra Kai (PJP)
We'll do the Keeper set-up again: any four players on your final roster you can carry over to next year.
In the Salary Cap league, I took the coveted Bronze, and two guys I don't even know (I "know" them from b-ball leagues) took the Gold and Silver.
But I did win the Pick 'Em League! wOOt wOOt! PJP won the Silver; TK the Bronze.
Thanks for playing, everyone.