Okay, Brock Lesnar and Sheamus O'Shaunnessy are very similar in the respects that they debuted with no background in mainstream wrestling, got monster pushes, and won the WWE Championship less than a year after their first television match. The difference is that Lesnar was a dominant force and Sheamus feels like an afterthought.

Think about it, Lesnar went over people like The Hardy Boys, Rob Van Dam, Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker, and The Rock. Sheamus went over Goldust, Jamie Noble, then put John Cena through a table in a flukey type of victory. I'll give them the fact that Sheamus won the breakout battle royal, but still, he has not at any point been the focus of the show. Brock Lesnar disrupted the main event scene and overall feel of the product. Since Sheamus's title win, it has been business as usual on Raw. He is living in the shadow of DX and Hornswoggle.

I would also like to add that I don't blame Sheamus. This is indubitably the way he's booked. He's been just a guy who's kind of there and has the WWE title. He backs down from Cena and Orton every week and every time he's on the show it seems like they're using him just for the sake of putting the WWE Champ on the show.

Am I the only one who see him losing the belt at some point only to be released a short time thereafter and end up in TNA? Perhaps even booked as someone who could actually be a serious main event presence (i.e. Christian in TNA). Shame for the guy to get the biggest prize in the game and to just be kind of...there.
