Yeah, I know Idaho and Virginia both have cases going that Obamacare be rejected as unconstitutional, for a number of reasons.
Such as (1) forcing everyone to buy healthcare (Obama compared it dismissively to being required to have car insurance, but the difference is you can elect not to own a car).
And (2) it could also be deemed unconstitutional because of all the bribes and coercion necessary ("Louisiana Purchase" of Sen. Landrieu's vote, the Cornhusker bribe that got Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson's vote, and the Medicare buyoff of Sen Bill Nelson in my home state of Florida, sweetheart deals to unions and ACORN, etc.) all the schemes used to ram this monstrosity through by just the narrowest of margins.

For all the attempts to say "well, Republicans did it too", there's never been a power grab of this level by Republicans, and bribery of members of their own party to get them on board as Obama/Pelosi/Reid have done, or an attempt to take over 20% of the U.S. economy without so much as a legitimate vote, by circumnavigating procedure with "reconciliation".
And beyond that thwarthing the will of between 52% to 55% of the American people in every poll --a clear majority-- who fiercely oppose this legislation, this bribery and this authoritarian power-grab.