Jon Stewart Stands Up For 'South Park,' Sings Another Round of 'Go F--k Yourselves' (VIDEO)
First Posted: 04-23-10 08:14 AM | Updated: 04-23-10 12:18 PM

Last night Jon Stewart came to the aid of his Comedy Central family, defending "South Park" creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone for their controversial (and censored) episode in which they portrayed Muhammad.

The censorship by Comedy Central was meant to protect Parker and Stone, following death threats from radical, NY-based Revolution Muslim. Yeah, NY based, which according to Stewart means that while they praise Osama Bin Laden and celebrate 9/11, they have access to our theater district, Jewish delis, and parks.

"These numbnuts get to enjoy it. All because of how much we, in this country, value and protect even their freedom of expression. "
Stewart himself is no stranger to mocking religions. After acknowledging how well each faith has handled the show's ridicule, he presented an epic reel of the show's religion jokes over the years.

And keeping consistent with the theme of the week, Stewart had one last thing to say to Revolution Muslim: "Go F--k Yourselves." And again, he did it through song. Nice way to close out a strong week for the "Daily Show."


Fair play!