Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

That seems like a lot of speculation based on your opinions.

That's why I said "I Would say...."

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

Tennant did audition for the part of 9 but lost to Eccleston. Any sort of backroom deals/conspiracy is up to debate.

And you know this, how? Were you there?

Please don't believe everything you read - you might to take that piece of advice into the real world with you!

rtds story is always changing! In fact, The Eccleston season of Dr Who aired at the same time as cassanova. The way tennant was constantly quizzed about Who whilst promoting Cassanova(we didn't know yet that Eccleston was going to leave at the time), really got me thinking about something was going on behind the scenes. tennant was asked outright if he had gone up for the part - he said he had not. rtd has also said on television that as soon as he saw tennant, he wanted him for the doctor.

rtd has a sort of god complex, he believes he can change or revise history by writing it down.

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

That's pure opinion. The reason why you can make that judgement is because Tennant gave 40+ episodes for you to review. I compare Eccleston to someone running the 100 meter dash versus Tennant doing a marathon. It's harder to maintain quality over the course of several series as opposed to one. I enjoy Eccleston's year as the Doctor but don't think it's enough to qualify him for ranking.
Fan or not Eccleston knew that he was taking on a legacy and he treated it somewhat frivilously. I really like his episodes, they were the first ones I watched and got me into the show. But still, commitment is important.

I enjoyed watching Eccleston, I did not enjoy watching tennant. I could see 100 episodes of Eccleston and only one of tennant or vice versa, my opinion would be the same.

As I said, we will never know the true story. When they did announce Eccleston, I did wonder how long he would be able to commit - he did have a film career, whereas tennant had nothing.

I, of course would have loved Eccleston to have stayed on but I'm not going to blame him for doing only one season when I don't know the full story.

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

I have no doubt there will be a Doctor past Thirteen. The problem is that once they did set that rule down it meant that they'd have to break it at some point. It'll be some kind of magic cheat, or lost time lord tech, either way it'll feel a bit forced.

erm...., you have been watching Dr Who these last few years? Daleks, Ray Man! Daleks!

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

I'm just not a fan of the producer and his edict that Baker tone down the humor. I found these episodes boring and Baker looked bored most of the time.

You don't like JNT but you do like rtd?

You're right, Tombo does look tired. I like to think that it was a new direction - the fourth Doctor of the first 4 years was very different to the fourth Doctor in the Adams era. The JNT fourth Doctor could have been the withdrawn era - he did just lose his favourite companion/partner!

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

I think most of Baker's run was great. He sold the plots and made them work by being so damned funny and quirky. Even the episode with the giant rat in the sewer worked because Tom Baker is just that good.

You the rat in that story is the only weak point of one of the Fourth Doctors greatest adventures, Talons of Weng-Chiang!

 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

Each Doctor has their fans and haters. Personally I actually enjoy Colin baker's first season and could never sit through a single Davison episode. So there you go.

I liked Colins first season, especially the Cyberman story but it was full of extreme highs & lows and a real wasted opportunity with the 2 doctors - that should have been a much better story. I felt Colin lost his edge and got quite fat for Trial of the timelord!

Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!

I shit on Hogan!