Scientist have made many good discoveries over the years. They have also made many horrific discoveries such as the atomic bomb, asbestos, the list goes on and on. Each time they were promoted as being safe under proper supervision, time and again they weren't supervised properly(proliferation of nuclear weapons), or unpredicted side effects(cancer from asbestos) occur.

To just get a consensus by a few elite scientists and then give them money to play with our world is insane. The treatment of scientists in this day and age reminds me of Catholic Priests in the past. If they are a Priest there motives must be pure. Today it's scientist. The media acts as if all scientist are these pure people looking to understand the world. As if they are not a cross section of society. Society mind you contains saints and heroes, but it also contains ladder climbers, ego cases, and sociopaths.

Giving unlimited funds to people that can destroy everything we know either on accident or on purpose is idiotic in my opinion.