Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Ooooooo I didn't know that was coming out on DVD already! Of course, I'll have to wait a bit for the US release. But, worth it.

I seem to remember being very put off that The Brig didn't have his stache'. Of course, it made sense later once I realized (A) it was deliberate to give a different "age" to the character, and, (B) the actor never actually had a real mustache...it was always a prop-piece.

BTW, is Nicholas Courtney gay? I'm not sure why, but I get a gay vibe from him these days. Like, he's hiding it from the public or something. I don't know. Is he married or anything?

Geek alert!

I went to a few Courtney signings and he had his eye on the young girls, just as Aldred had her eyes on the good looking guys! He was married with kids but I saw him a few times in London with much younger women!

He never did much after Who, I remember him being in that Michael Winner Film with Bullseye with Michael Caine and Roger Moore!

As I said, the extras are pretty good for Brig fans!

Their doing a Kamelion box set!

Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!

I shit on Hogan!