I still think it's stranger that throwing a snowball at Token was the only thing that got Cartman locked up, so apparently that's worse than the rest of his permanent record. He gave Kyle AIDS, he tried to have all the Jewish people exterminated, he convinced a woman to get an abortion so he can build a pizza place, he dressed up as a handicapped kid just to compete in the special olympics, he locked a homeless woman out of a studio to increase his chances to be in a tv commercial, he ate all the skin off a bucket of chicken that was meant for all the boys, he locked Butters in a bomb shelter just so he could go to Casa Bonita, and... well, you get the point.

There is no version of this where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes, and maybe it’s too much for us, but it’s all on you. Because if we can’t protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we’ll avenge it.

Put Natasha on the phone.
Who is this?
This is her fucking son's father. Who is this?
This is her fucking son.
Call back in 20 minutes. *click*

Boy, you could get lost in a sky like that. I wish I had those balloons again.