Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
Currently going through the Eccleston season. Eccleston is not doing it for me. I don't like his doctor. He's doing the goofy bits but he looks so normal to me. The clothes, the hair, hell, even his built looks more action star than eccentric, quirky alien with a dark, vengeful side.

I liked his goofy demeanor but overall I think his run really demonstrated rtd's fuck you mentality. They were more interested in "making" Doctor Who a good show and not really respecting that it already was a good show just in need of an update.
Tennant doesn't get the credit he deserves for his run. Despite the problems with the Donna-year and the 2009 Specials (which is rtd's fault) he brought a lot of love and respect to the character that Eccleston did not.

When Tennant or Smith does the "flailing, clumsy, but lo and behold-I can destroy entire worlds and races" bit, it works for me. With Eccleston he just looks like a pussy.

Agreed. They look like goofy nerds but Eccleston looks like a footballer crying like a pussy.

Or maybe it's because I'm only up to episode 5 of the first season and he gets better towards the end.

It is what it is and is consistent throughout his series. I don't hate it but it's far from being my favorite. Though Moffet's two parter Empty Child/Doctor Dances are excellent and there are definitely a lot of good solid episodes.
But yeah it is what it is.

Bow ties are coool.