Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
I'm not really good with analyzing actors and the characters they portray, but maybe that's why I don't like his doctor. Because the goofy side is just a charade (or the way I see it - the goofy side seems fake and forced). I see no conflict between his goofy side and his dark, tormented side. It's just all torment and stuff with a thin film of goofy shell.

I'm not too good at analyzing either but what you are saying is my problem with Tennants Doctor, not Eccleston.

You mention somewhere else that Eccles looks quite normal, whereas I have to disagree - the cropped hair really accentuate his Jug ears and bugle!

Eccles clothing is completely original - a new look for the Doctor! Dad cool! Which is not cool.

Tennants retro suit is cool. His hair is cool. He, looks too normal.

The only other normal looking Doctor was the fifth but his normality is neutralised by what he is wearing.

Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!

I shit on Hogan!