Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Obama didn't break any laws. He asked BP to do it and they agreed to it. If Obama had done something like you accuse him of, elected republicans would be at least pushing for impeachment. Notice that not happening?

I'm pretty sure I've had to explain this to you in the past: just because something is unconstitutional or outside an official's authority doesn't make it a criminal offense.

Let me give you an example you might understand (or at least hold near and dear to your heart): In the 1980s, the Supreme Court struck down certain anti-sodomy laws as unconstitutional. Did that mean the politicians who enacted and enforced those anti-sodomy laws were facing jail for "acting illegally"? No. It simply meant that the courts (that branch of government you now find inconvenient) had ruled that the officials had exceeded their authority and had to cease and desist.

It's the same thing with Obama's power grabs. Even if they're unconstitutional that doesn't make them all high crimes or misdemeanors yet.

And, even if they were impeachable offenses, it's silly to think that the Democrat-controlled congress would ever vote to impeach their boy king...especially when Pelosi and Reid are 100% in Obama's corner on the power grab.

But, hey, maybe when the Republicans get back control of congress in 2011 we'll take another look at that impeachment thing. ;\)