We also had horror stories with godaddy when I was still working for an online mag. It seems they want you to enable auto renew on your subscription. If you don't, all of your files will be deleted ASAP when the hosting expires.

Of course, they have backups and you can ask for the files to be restored after renewing your subscription...but you have to go through tech support and as basams pointed out, their tech support is a bit gay. The chick on the commercials has a nice rack, though.

Also, the advice about not relying on adsense solely is good, especially if you want to turn this into a dayjob of sorts. Google right now is starting to get iffy with their policies. So you better have backups. Amazon is good, and that thing I used for sahog - I got 1 dollar and a few cents off that shit before I abandoned it, even though JLA is the only one visiting the site.