an obvious truth, but im not certain any iphone fans (and purchasers) are looking at the device as a phone-first item. i'd suspect the "primary" use for those that get it is communications: texting, web, email, IM, twitter, facebook, video conferencing, etc. games and other apps second. actually conversing via traditional phone methods is a distant third - and I don't think that's limited to iphones, either. blackberries made famous the non-phone phone for years, and was even more awkward physically (and more tellingly not a phone-first device) with the jarring keyboards. iphones just added in the "lookit me!" screen for games and apps and other fun aspects that have blown up the phenomena.

that said, would it be lovely if the phone worked, as well? sure, that'd be right kind of them. at&t bears the largest burden, as their network is shit (a note shared by at&t customers with other devices) but im certain apple takes a good portion of the blame.

i do use the phone for phone-ing, and the device, itself, works very well. great voice quality, n'all. it's just a matter of reception. works great in my apartment, but my parents can't get a signal in their house 45 minutes away. works great in most nyc locations, but there are spots downtown that register nothing.

however, that impacts me more in a "i can't get my email" fashion than a "i can't take this call" fashion.

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