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Nöwheremän #1121577 2010-07-04 11:18 AM
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Nevermind Ray, one day you might grow a pair, and be a real man as well.

Nöwheremän #1121578 2010-07-04 11:19 AM
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It must really piss you off, Ray, that you are only one step up from Snarf.

Son of Mxy #1121613 2010-07-04 6:37 PM
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 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
pardon the stupid question, I don't exactly have BBC in here, but I saw at the end credits that they'll be back on December, what are they showing during the hiatus?

Christmas Special

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
thedoctor #1121695 2010-07-05 11:14 AM
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 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
It's a bit of the wishy-washy timey-whimeyness as Rory is human again but has Auton Rory memories. It is, quite frankly, the weakest part of the whole story. Yet, it was so entertaining getting to that point that I don't really mind it.

I watched it again. The Doctor told Amy that when they took a snapshot of her memories they got "more than they bargained for" and Auton Rory got Rory's soul.I think the implication is that the cracks don't erase events just memories and most evidence (there was still a picture of Rory in the book and the ring still existed and Amy was still there despite her parents being gone). Her link to the crack allowed her to be an anchor to bring things back. So she didn't need to remember every detail of the Doctor, she just needed to remember him and he came back from the other side.
How about the paradox of the Doctor only being let out of the Pandorica because after he was let out he went back and gave Rory the screwdriver but only when Rory told him he was dressed the same as he was when he went back to give him the screwdriver. Or Amelia getting the notes from the Doctor because she showed the notes to the Doctor and he went back and rewrote them to match the notes he'd already given her.
The only thing that bugged me was the Doctor and Amy touching their past selves. It's been established since Pertwee that's a problem and in Father's day it created those dragons who tried to eat the church. Even in this episode the screwdrivers sparked when they touched. Technically you could argue that Amy wasn't the "same" because after 12 years every cell in her body would've shed and been recreated but still.

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Nöwheremän #1121696 2010-07-05 11:21 AM
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 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
Yup, still broken.
And still a whiney retard bitch!

What exactly is your definition of "broken"? Is that your way of masking your insecurity at being mocked? Because I would argue that if I insult you based on something you say and you keep coming back with a generic "I broke you" then you're incapable of original thought and therefore "broken."
I'm not going to say I broke you though, because only losers take pride in messageboard feuds.
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
Nevermind Ray, one day you might grow a pair, and be a real man as well.

I didn't respond quickly enough so you give up with a nevermind? Maybe I did break you. But again, I take no pride in that because it's a messageboard and I have a life (not being ginger helps).
 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
It must really piss you off, Ray, that you are only one step up from Snarf.

Just because you don't like a messageboard poster and have a past conflict doesn't mean using their name matters one bit or carries any weight as an insult. rex does shit like that....are you one of his alts?

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I'm going to try and rewatch Big Bang later, but this just hit me - Where did the doctor get his Vortex Manipulator? Most of the things that cropped up during the whole wibbly wobbly timey wimey fiasco came from somewhere clear. e.g. there is a loop of events; he gave the sonic to rory, which rory put in amy's top, that the doctor took and gave back to rory, which rory put in amy's top and so on....but how did he get hold of a vortex manipulator? Wasn't River wearing it while she was in the Tardis?

Son of Mxy #1121701 2010-07-05 11:32 AM
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Oh wait, nevermind. River must have left it at stonehenge. She doesn't need the space hopper because she used the Porsche.

Son of Mxy #1121706 2010-07-05 12:05 PM
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 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
I'm going to try and rewatch Big Bang later, but this just hit me - Where did the doctor get his Vortex Manipulator? Most of the things that cropped up during the whole wibbly wobbly timey wimey fiasco came from somewhere clear. e.g. there is a loop of events; he gave the sonic to rory, which rory put in amy's top, that the doctor took and gave back to rory, which rory put in amy's top and so on....but how did he get hold of a vortex manipulator? Wasn't River wearing it while she was in the Tardis?

He picked it up off the ground by the Pandorica. I think he had it on him and dropped it while being placed inside. The real question is why did they ride horses to stonehenge and back when they could teleport there in a second.

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Horses smell awful.

Son of Mxy #1121711 2010-07-05 12:37 PM
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Poor Raytard, I pity his broken whineyness.
Well, thats a lie, I actually laugh at it.

Nöwheremän #1121712 2010-07-05 1:30 PM
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Let's drop the feuding. If I want two Doctor Who nerds arguing, I'll go to any Doctor Who message board in existence. ;\)

As for The Big Bang, much like this entire season, it pays for the viewer to truly pay attention. Unlike the popcorn-fluff of most of the RTD years, Moffat's season reflected his belief that the audience has a brain. I love that.

BTW Cunty, who is your avatar? Good cut, btw. The drop-shadow is pretty dead-on.

Prometheus #1121715 2010-07-05 2:00 PM
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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Let's drop the feuding. If I want two Doctor Who nerds arguing, I'll go to any Doctor Who message board in existence. ;\)

but I'm having fun. \:\(
okay though. don't want to make this thread unpleasant. it's the main reason i come here.

As for The Big Bang, much like this entire season, it pays for the viewer to truly pay attention. Unlike the popcorn-fluff of most of the RTD years, Moffat's season reflected his belief that the audience has a brain. I love that.

Agreed. It's been very smart, and very fun. There's a sense of adventure and humor that rtd lacked. Not that his years were unbearable, they were just too melodramatic. I want a happy ending after a big finale. I want there to be continuity with the companions and not the one series/special companions we had (Martha was great and should've been in 4 instead of Donna). I liked that it ended with the married couple riding off with the Doctor to stop an Egyptian Goddess loose on the Orient space. And that the "Silence will Fall" voice will be explored later and not crammed into the finale.
There was just a sense of respect above all else from the new production team and the actors played their roles as real characters not just feminist icons.

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 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

Agreed. It's been very clever, and very fun.

Fixed it fer ya.

Also, I prefer Donna over Martha. Because with Donna, I don't have to deal with the romance angle. And she's very funny on her own. Martha was just a foil.

Son of Mxy #1121723 2010-07-05 3:10 PM
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Okay, I admit. I didn't like Martha cuz she's black!

Son of Mxy #1121729 2010-07-05 4:12 PM
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 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man

Agreed. It's been very clever, and very fun.

Fixed it fer ya.

Also, I prefer Donna over Martha. Because with Donna, I don't have to deal with the romance angle. And she's very funny on her own. Martha was just a foil.

I thought Martha was cute. Not just hot but very cute. I didn't mind her romantic feelings too much because the Doctor didn't return them (and sometimes even seemed to be purposefully cruel). I also enjoyed the stories in series 2/3 as the best of Tennant's. With Donna I found her annoying and a bit too british at times in her humor. She also represented the point when the series was at it's worst and rtd was running on melodrama fumes constantly beating us over the head with how special she was when she wasn't.

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Son of Mxy #1121731 2010-07-05 4:14 PM
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I, too, heart Donna Noble. She had the very best chemistry with Tennant's manic, narcissistic 'Perfect Ten'. He and Rose were horrible together, bordering on the gushingly silly. He and Martha had zero chemistry, but I loved Freema's hot ass. Donna as a Tegan-ish throwback to the asexual nature of not just The Doctor, but of the companion, worked far better than playing so intimately with the tween-emo craze of heart-throbbing David Tennant all over the screen.

I really like how Steven Moffat is side-stepping these demographic demands of the Beeb's corporate level. Playing Amy Pond as a real girl, with real hormones, and having her desiring The Doctor on a sexual level, versus a romantic one, gives an obvious-yet-real take on what people would expect from the modern show. Having The Doctor resist these sexual advances, based on his ancient alien-ness of detachment and emotional isolation, is icing on the cake. This combination allows Moffat to check that box off his list of executive demands, while still retaining his public love of the Classic era. Brilliant.

Prometheus #1121733 2010-07-05 4:17 PM
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Prometheus #1121734 2010-07-05 4:25 PM
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I, too, heart Donna Noble. She had the very best chemistry with Tennant's manic, narcissistic 'Perfect Ten'. He and Rose were horrible together, bordering on the gushingly silly. He and Martha had zero chemistry, but I loved Freema's hot ass. Donna as a Tegan-ish throwback to the asexual nature of not just The Doctor, but of the companion, worked far better than playing so intimately with the tween-emo craze of heart-throbbing David Tennant all over the screen.{/quote]
you make good points. I think with rose they were too gushy because of the loss at the end of the series. it reminded me of joss whedon's second season of buffy where they were way too cutesy and that was buildup for him going evil and killing her friends. I thought series 2 and rose/tennant worked on that dramatic level.
I agree that donna and tennant did have a good chemistry, but rtd forced us to like her by telling and not showing her as great. it felt forced and the ending seemed dumb (why not use a chameleon arch to lock away the time lord side and "create" a donna personality that was a perfect copy of who she was?). The one off companions in the specials aren't worth mentioning, especially the crying old man who killed the doctor because he got locked in a box.

I really like how Steven Moffat is side-stepping these demographic demands of the Beeb's corporate level. Playing Amy Pond as a real girl, with real hormones, and having her desiring The Doctor on a sexual level, versus a romantic one, gives an obvious-yet-real take on what people would expect from the modern show. Having The Doctor resist these sexual advances, based on his ancient alien-ness of detachment and emotional isolation, is icing on the cake. This combination allows Moffat to check that box off his list of executive demands, while still retaining his public love of the Classic era. Brilliant.

Agreed. One thing I like about Smith is he plays the Doctor as an old man in a young body. His reaction to Amy is how an old man would react to a young girl seducing him. It also showed that the Doctor learned from his mistakes by having Rory along so he could share in her adventure (which wound up strengthening their feelings for each other).

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 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
The one off companions in the specials aren't worth mentioning, especially the crying old man who killed the doctor because he got locked in a box.

Agreed, as they aren't Companions. Just guest-stars. That, in fact, was an RTD thorn I am currently glad is gone. The whole "companion for the Christmas special" nonsense. Why call them a companion? They don't fit the criteria as laid out by the history of the series. They're about as much a companions as Grace Holloway from Paul McGann's one-shot. Not at all. Companions are the ones who go on the journeys with him. Rory is a companion. Mickey is a companion. Jack is a companion. The cat burglar, Jackson Lake, Adelaide, Astrid....these were guest-stars.

Prometheus #1121750 2010-07-05 9:03 PM
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Captain Jack! I wonder how he'll fit in with eleventh

(why not use a chameleon arch to lock away the time lord side and "create" a donna personality that was a perfect copy of who she was?).

I think this wouldn't work. The people who used a chameleon arc in the series returned to what/who they were after being made to remember.

The key to Donna's survival was that her memories were locked away, and if they create a Donna personality that was a perfect copy of who she was as a companion, wouldn't that negate the chameleon arch? And if they create a Donna personality that was based on who she was before she met the doc, that would be the same as what happened, and as soon as she goes on an adventure or so much as sees the tardis, she'd start to remember and the chameleon arch would stop working and then donna go boom boom

Prometheus #1121753 2010-07-05 10:28 PM
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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Let's drop the feuding. If I want two Doctor Who nerds arguing, I'll go to any Doctor Who message board in existence. ;\)

Fuck you, you cunt!

BTW Cunty, who is your avatar? Good cut, btw. The drop-shadow is pretty dead-on.

Its a rather lovely Austrian man called Josef Fritzl.
Look him up on Google or Wikipedia or something.

Son of Mxy #1121852 2010-07-07 12:10 AM
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 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
I think this wouldn't work. The people who used a chameleon arc in the series returned to what/who they were after being made to remember.

The key to Donna's survival was that her memories were locked away, and if they create a Donna personality that was a perfect copy of who she was as a companion, wouldn't that negate the chameleon arch? And if they create a Donna personality that was based on who she was before she met the doc, that would be the same as what happened, and as soon as she goes on an adventure or so much as sees the tardis, she'd start to remember and the chameleon arch would stop working and then donna go boom boom

They had to lock away her memories because the time lord brain would fry her frail human body. the chameleon arch can remake a timelord into a human, and also install a false set of memories. The whole point is to hide so completely not even they know what they are. but with donna they only need the first part, to reconfigure her as a full human. they could even leave her human mind with all her memories and she'd be fine as long as she didn't open the watch (which she would know can kill her).

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 Originally Posted By: Ultimate Jaburg53


Just got the First Doctor:Unearthly Child figure - pretty smart!

I'm not sure about these Tardis sets - I got the fourth and seventh Doctors sets! There are only minor differences in the actual Tardis. I bought the Seventh Doctor set because it was a repaint and wouldn;t have got the set had I known about the 11 figure set coming out!

The Fourth Doctor set is billed as being based on Planet of Evil - I don't see what it actually based on the story, I was hoping that they change the figure but it's the exact same as the original release.

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ROY BATTY #1122006 2010-07-08 9:51 PM
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^I'm with Sir Batty. I love the sets, but I've already got the Unearthly Hartnell figure. I'm not shelling more money for a duplicate with a slightly-different-but-same-TARDIS. I've already gotten three! (The "electronic" one released separately, McCoy, and T.Baker's)

My digital camera has gone to shit, so I ran these through Photoshop to make them worthwhile. This is in my home office...

(clickable thumbnails)

Prometheus #1122013 2010-07-08 10:27 PM
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I love those pics!

What Matt Smith figure is that - it looks really really good!

Did you get all the Pertwee figures?

Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!

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ROY BATTY #1122014 2010-07-08 10:43 PM
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This guy just commented on something I am a fan of on Facebook, and going on his name, I think he thinks he looks like Matt Smith.
I will admit there is a resemblance, but its like a Bizarro, dropped on his head from a great height version.

I think you will need a FB account to see his page, so just in case, this is his name:
Peter Timelord-zlts Quinn

And this is what it looks like

Nöwheremän #1122016 2010-07-08 10:45 PM
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he looks like klinton

Son of Mxy #1122017 2010-07-08 10:46 PM
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He is from Newcastle, so that automatically makes him a cunt.

ROY BATTY #1122038 2010-07-09 1:25 AM
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 Originally Posted By: ROY BATTY
I love those pics!

What Matt Smith figure is that - it looks really really good!

That's the two-pack one that came out with the "Raggedy Doctor". I think they have, or are, releasing it as a single though, if you're wanting to get one.

Did you get all the Pertwee figures?

Nope, just the Dalek one. I plan to get THE ELEVEN DOCTORS boxset that's coming out, with McGann in it. All the rest are variants, more or less, as well. So, I'll have a new Pertwee then.

Not pictured are Sarah-Jane Smith, K-9, Captain Jack, a Time Lord, Colin's Regen outfit (a dirty version of Pete's that you sent me ), Colin's variant Blue costume, and the tan costume from McCoy's first season, as well. Also, most the Cybermen variants, a couple of Daleks, and the K1 Robot from Tom's first episode...

Nöwheremän #1122039 2010-07-09 1:25 AM
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 Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
This guy just commented on something I am a fan of on Facebook, and going on his name, I think he thinks he looks like Matt Smith.
I will admit there is a resemblance, but its like a Bizarro, dropped on his head from a great height version.

I think you will need a FB account to see his page, so just in case, this is his name:
Peter Timelord-zlts Quinn

And this is what it looks like

He looks absolutely nothing like Matt Smith.

He also looks very, very wet, for some reason...

Prometheus #1122122 2010-07-09 8:03 PM
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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: ROY BATTY
I love those pics!

What Matt Smith figure is that - it looks really really good!

That's the two-pack one that came out with the "Raggedy Doctor". I think they have, or are, releasing it as a single though, if you're wanting to get one.

Did you get all the Pertwee figures?

Nope, just the Dalek one. I plan to get THE ELEVEN DOCTORS boxset that's coming out, with McGann in it. All the rest are variants, more or less, as well. So, I'll have a new Pertwee then.

Not pictured are Sarah-Jane Smith, K-9, Captain Jack, a Time Lord, Colin's Regen outfit (a dirty version of Pete's that you sent me ), Colin's variant Blue costume, and the tan costume from McCoy's first season, as well. Also, most the Cybermen variants, a couple of Daleks, and the K1 Robot from Tom's first episode...

Just got confirmation that the 11 pack has been released!

It'll be my first and hopefully last tennant figure!

Are the fifth & sixth Doctor repaints in the 11 pack?

The only single figures I didn't get were the B/W first & second Doctors.

I did get the Smith 2 pack but your one looks much better - maybe it was the photographer?

Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!

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ROY BATTY #1122124 2010-07-09 9:06 PM
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^Oh you!

As for the Eleven Doctors boxset, Davison has the celery and C.Baker has the "Trial of a Time Lord" variant yellow tie, and (no joke) a larger stomach! \:lol\:

As for the rest:

  • Hartnell and Troughton have different colored pants and shirt

    Pertwee green jacket and dark cloak

    Season One Tom Baker, w/grey coat, hat and wide-eyed stare (yep, new head)

    McCoy w/brown coat and "serious" face (I was hoping for a TV Movie variant)


    A brand new mold for Eccleston, his third

    Tennant in brown jacket, blue suit, and glasses

    I cannot tell if Matt Smith is different. I don't think he is.

It's $100 over here! I haven't pre-ordered mine yet. I guess I shouldn't wait to the last minute. Just bite the bullet and order it.

Prometheus #1122130 2010-07-09 9:27 PM
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I ordered it the day I saw it!

I got the delivery confirmation - maybe Monday!

What are the other Eccleston molds?

Nice to have a new Tombo head mold!

The Fifth and sixth Doctors did look different but I couldn't put my finger on it! If they went as far as to make 6 fatter, then they didn't they change his hair also? To the Shirley Temple 'do!

Very happy that you guys in the US have to pay more for this than we do over here! It's always the other way round!

Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!

I shit on Hogan!
ROY BATTY #1122135 2010-07-09 9:50 PM
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(l. to r.)The Brigadier, Romana I, Tom Baker, Leela, and K-9 - The Crew of the TARDIS 1970's

Matt Smith (11th Doc), Karen Gillan (Amy Pond), and Arthur Darvill (Rory Williams) - The Crew of the TARDIS 2010

LOL! Freaky, eh?

ROY BATTY #1122136 2010-07-09 9:57 PM
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 Originally Posted By: ROY BATTY
What are the other Eccleston molds?

The first one was the very first nuWho figure that came out, along with Rose and a Slitheen. Then, there was the second mold which started out as a Comi-Con Exclusive in 2006, but then later released as a single in 2008. This new one gets a little closer to actually looking like him. ;\)

Nice to have a new Tombo head mold!

Yeah, it's the face from the opening credits. Always spooked me as a kid!

The Fifth and sixth Doctors did look different but I couldn't put my finger on it! If they went as far as to make 6 fatter, then they didn't they change his hair also? To the Shirley Temple 'do!

I honestly didn't think to notice. Of course, I could do without that fucked-up hairdo of his from that season. That was the show hitting rock-bottom for me. Poor old Colin.

Very happy that you guys in the US have to pay more for this than we do over here! It's always the other way round!

\:lol\: Damn you! Yeah, when they finally got a legit carrier over here that had them in stock, prices started to climb. I'm sure I could get it for around $75 somewhere. But, I have a dedicated store in California (link: DW Merchandise) that has never failed me. I cannot bring myself to try somewhere else. The only time I did that was when Unearthly Hartnell was coming out, and I pre-ordered him from a site that had him listed first. Then, about a month before he came out, I decided I wanted a second one of the same figure, so I also pre-ordered from my normal site (which had listed him the following weekend). Come release date, my normal carrier shipped the figure right to me. The one I tried beforehand? I emailed them my confirmation order email. They, in turn, just sent me a refund saying they had "lost my order". I immediately erased that bookmark.

Prometheus #1122138 2010-07-09 10:03 PM
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Son of Anarchist
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your order got too close to the cracks

...I mean, what order?

Son of Mxy #1122140 2010-07-09 10:05 PM
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Son of Anarchist
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Sarah Jane Smith is hawt! I wanked off to Journey's end lots of times

(especially the scenes with Captain Jack!)

Prometheus #1122142 2010-07-09 10:08 PM
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Nöwheremän #1122330 2010-07-12 12:50 AM
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I just marathoned the shit out of the newWho's 4th season, and damn I love Donna. I even like her more than Amy Pond (except when we're talking about wanking material)

Of the female companions she's been set up as the most useless (at least, that was what she believed). But I think she's the one who's been most useful to tenth. Of course, in a fight or anything that requires athletic ability, Rose and Martha may be more useful, and academically speaking, martha is hands down the most intelligent (she's a damn doctor!). But the doctor can already handle those two parts. There's nothing Martha and Rose would have done or thought of that the doctor couldn't have by himself.

Donna, on the other hand, catches things that the doctor misses. She's not bookish, but she's smart. And she's able to convince tenth to do things that he wasn't planning on doing. The other two companions were treated as assistants/pets, Donna was treated as an equal.

Also, I think the roles were reversed for her. whereas Rose and Martha were always trying to get the doctor's approval, tenth was actually trying to please Donna most of the time.

Prometheus #1122353 2010-07-12 4:59 AM
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1. You do not talk about snarf.
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1. You do not talk about snarf.
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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

\:lol\: Damn you! Yeah, when they finally got a legit carrier over here that had them in stock, prices started to climb. I'm sure I could get it for around $75 somewhere. But, I have a dedicated store in California (link: DW Merchandise) that has never failed me. I cannot bring myself to try somewhere else. The only time I did that was when Unearthly Hartnell was coming out, and I pre-ordered him from a site that had him listed first. Then, about a month before he came out, I decided I wanted a second one of the same figure, so I also pre-ordered from my normal site (which had listed him the following weekend). Come release date, my normal carrier shipped the figure right to me. The one I tried beforehand? I emailed them my confirmation order email. They, in turn, just sent me a refund saying they had "lost my order". I immediately erased that bookmark.

Good thing you did order the figure!

It didn't even make it into the shops.

Nor did the Seven.

Perters only lasted about 2 weeks - they then rushed out the Green Death figure! The audacity of them trying to charge 10 quid extra for 3 slugs!

Been fucked over many a time by pre-ordering from cheaper sites, only for them to refund my money and think that it was ok to do so! I told them that that's the whole point of pre-ordering - to guarantee the item! They couldn't give a flying fuck!


Me No Rikey Rob, he's a banana queer!

I shit on Hogan!
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