Originally Posted By: Nöwheremän
Since when was Norton one of the originals?
He was a replacement already.

As has already been said anyway, Downey hasnt committed to it either, so to merely assume its all about lowballing is a bit presumptuous.
Plus, its not like an actors agent has never made up a story before now is it.

Ohmygod pull the dildo from your ass. I was just joking around, you dumb fucker.

First of all, if you're trying to link Bana and Norton together, then you've already failed. Two different franchises, just like the Punisher remake. Second, the fact that RDJ hasn't signed merely enforces my take. They (Marvel) are saving their cash for Robert-Downey because he's The Big Money.

And if you didn't get I was playing both sides in that monologue, then you really need to lose your virginity and relax...