This was touted at the time as a manifestation of "white racism" against blacks. But two of the 4 cops who fired on blacks... are black!

I saw photos of them on Brett Baer's news report tonight. Despite that photos clearly show it to be at least partially black-on-black crime, the media was perfectly happy to portray it as racial incident, by omission of the fact two officers were black.
No doubt it was handled differently by the media due to W. Bush being president, than it ever would with any Democrat as president.

A police officer friend of mine told me back in the late 1980s that New Orleans police officers were at that time paid 16,000 a year.
16,000 !
No much money to risk your life. And probably not as well-trained as in better-funded police departments. I can easily see this occurring because of overwork, sleep-deprivation from the overtime they were working, and perhaps even panic that they would be overwhelmed by refugees and looters if they let people pass their blockade. That doesn't excuse their actions, but it does present another motive than "racism" that was divisively alleged.