She's the black USDA official who was caught on video apparently talking about withholding aid from a white farmer. The media (mostly conservative types) jumped on the story. As soon as that happened, Obama immediately threw her under the bus and had her fired. Then it turned out that the video was incomplete and she hadn't really discriminated against the white guy. So the White House apologized and now wants her rehired.
She did in fact discriminate against him, and "did not use the full force of what [she] was capable of to help him" , and instead sent the white farmer to "one of his kind" [someone white] to help him.
And while that was 24 years ago, and she describes having a "redemptive" end to her racism, where she later abandoned her hatred of whites, replacing her racism with a marxist class-warfare bigotry, where she no doubt discriminates against rich farm owners, if not both rich and white farm owners.
Up until the day she was fired, anyway.
And will be re-hired into a different position.
That re-hiring will no doubt be a thorn in the side of the Obama administration, because while she may not have been guilty of racism in the incomplete video, she is clearly a woman with a lot of weird marxist ideas, re-hired by a marxist administration. And despite the verbal bombs she may throw, the Obama administration will be very reluctant to fire her and look like even greater idiots than they already do by reversing themselves yet again.