Both the Weather Man and Lord of War came out in 2005 and since then it's been pretty much all action and genre stuff. Granted, a few of the genre films were entertaining (Kick Ass being a prime example), but every year of the guy's career it seems that he moves further and further from "Oscar winning serious actor" into "washed up action star," at least from a perception standpoint.
Furthermore, during the past five years, Cage hasn't just done one or two action/genre films, the guy's cranked out (as a star or supporting player) ten movies (or two movies a year). And that doesn't even count when he does voice over work in kid movies like "G-force" and "Astro Boy"
Understand, I like Cage. I think the guy's a good actor. I just think he lets his fanboy love of action/genre films (and perhaps his financial woes) get in the way of making good choices for an actor of his caliber.