Originally Posted By: the G-man
Both the Weather Man and Lord of War came out in 2005 and since then it's been pretty much all action and genre stuff.
Granted, a few of the genre films were entertaining (Kick Ass being a prime example), but every year of the guy's career it seems that he moves further and further from "Oscar winning serious actor" into "washed up action star," at least from a perception standpoint.

To me though those 2 movies buy him credibility for a decade. That's the pattern his career has followed. He does a lot of shit, a lot of "fun" movies with no real value, but since he started 25 or so years ago he pulls off an incredible performance in a good movie that keeps him established as a great actor.

Furthermore, during the past five years, Cage hasn't just done one or two action/genre films, the guy's cranked out (as a star or supporting player) ten movies (or two movies a year). And that doesn't even count when he does voice over work in kid movies like "G-force" and "Astro Boy"

To bring this back around to Stallone, Cage's movies have often been hits or at least made respectable profits. At the end of the day acting is a job and I can't fault him for doing movies his kids (does he have kids?) might want to see. Stallone on the other hand seems desperate to hang onto his 80's glory.

Understand, I like Cage. I think the guy's a good actor. I just think he lets his fanboy love of action/genre films (and perhaps his financial woes) get in the way of making good choices for an actor of his caliber.

I'm not arguing with you on this. I agree the caliber of most of his films has gone down. But at the same time he's probably enjoying his life more. Look at Nation Treasure. Simplistic lighthearted stuff, bits of action that make him look cool onscreen, getting to shoot in nice locales, and the movie makes a shitload of money so he has job security that he can get work anytime.


Bow ties are coool.