CCI: Zack & Deborah Snyder's "Sucker Punch"
  • The origins of "Sucker Punch" go back at least eight years. "It was really born from an idea I had about making this transition, visually, into a dreamworld. It just started building from there," Zack explained. The exact plot of the film is being kept under some secrecy, but features a girl using a dreamworld to escape an asylum. While the project was long in development, it appeared to come fast on the heels of Snyder's previous film, "Watchmen." This was a choice to keep the focus on that film. "We're always careful with what we announce and what we don't announce, just to keep the emphasis on what we're doing at the time. I don't like the message to get too diluted. We were knee deep in it [when 'Watchmen' was released]."

    "Sucker Punch" opens March 25th, 2011

Kind of interesting looking in a "Kill Bill Meets Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow" way.