This guy seems to think that Predators was an example of what Stallone was talking about:
  • Who in their right mind would cast Brody as the lead in a “Predator” film? The entire appeal of the original was Ahnuld vs. Alien. That’s how movie stars are supposed to work. You want to see their well-crafted persona pitted against a particular situation. Jim Carrey is God, Stallone vs. Super Russian, Bruce vs. a building filled with terrorists, Eastwood vs. Urban Vermin, Will Smith vs. Alien Invasion, a pre-chest waxed Harrison Ford vs. Anything.

    Adrien Brody?

    While there are some creative reveals throughout the first half, “Predators” might have worked a little better had the idea of momentum been employed (a chronic symptom of any film involving Robert Rodriguez) in order to make the viewer feel as though we were at least headed towards The Big Showdown. But even then, who wants to see Adrien Brody in The Big Showdown? There’s no appeal there, no heat, no sneaking into a matinee during working hours thrill.

    Hollywood’s war on masculinity has utterly and completely failed. The only winner has been the makers of all this heartless 3D technology that’s been rolled out by panicked execs in an effort to make up for the fact that Someone’s Whose Name You Can’t Remember is starring in yet another overlong, over-produced, VFX’d monstrosity with a plot that’s impossible to follow and a camera that refuses to stand still.

    And so I ask you…

    Are we finally done laughing at Jean-Claude Van Damme, Steven Seagal, Chuck Norris, 80’s Bronson and 90’s Stallone? Has the season of the meterosexual at last managed to wipe the smug off our face as we awaken to a re-appreciation of just how remarkably effective those STARS were at bringing some level of satisfaction and charisma to even the worst of their lean, mean programmers that at least respected the audience enough to deliver a simple story and a goddamned tripod?

    I’ll take a “Daylight” over anything starring a Shia or Ewan or Hayden. I’ll take a “Delta Force 2” over any actioner with an Adrien as the “badass” — no matter how many abs careful lighting and strategically smeared mud is able to pop from his starved abdomen.

Not having seen "Predators" I can't comment on whether Brody was any good as an action hero or not. Just thought it was interesting that someone besides Sly had picked up on the idea.