Originally Posted By: PCG342
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: PCG342
I'm quasi-active. Work and dealing with moving (AGAIN) are keeping me busy though...

What, are you in the fucking A-Team, or something? Pick a spot and stay there. Go to school. Get a good job. Find some stability you shit-magnet. What are you fifteen?

Sorry about the apartment, if true (PCG's Bro). But, take it as a sign to do something different with your life. And I don't mean work at fucking Wal-Mart.

And Rex? The whole "immediate-attack" thing you do with PCG? You'd have to reign it in a little to actually get anyone new to post here. You get that, right? We can still kick PCG because he refuses to improve himself. There has to be a grace period for new posters.

Also, why do people leave? Is it we're too cruel? They're too weak? A little bit of both?

Actually, a whole lot has gone on between the time I went MIA last October and now. I'm presently going to school to get a gunsmithing certification. If funds and good fortune prevail, by October my fiancee and I will be living in our own house and by sometime next year I'll be starting my own business. For the time being I'm working toward getting a job as a prison guard (cue the rape jokes).
So there. Better?

Did your fiancee ever commit fake internet suicide?