What's the deal with the Mondas Cybermen?

I don't like the Cybus ones. Better design, but they were jobbers. One Dalek is probably enough to finish them all off.

I've read some comments from people that the Mondas were better monsters (and scared them when they were kids), but I also read that they are weak against gold (like throwing coins at them an shit)? How is that better than the Cybus ones.


As for the recent appearance, the Cyberman at stonehenge doesn't seem like a cybus one (despite the cybus logo). It has a skull inside and can work without it. That single cyberman was better than the ones I saw back in Tenth's eps.

But still, it would probably job to a Dalek. Now that the Angels are gone, Daleks are still the baddest baddies in the newWhoniverse. Only weakness they have is against plot devices.