Well shit dude, I've always pretty much ignored you as I thought you were just another JLA alt or Pariah's alt. But, you're a new entity? I didn't think we had those around here anymore.
Speaking of, aren't the only active posters still here:
Rex Doc G-Man Knut McGurk JLA Joe Mama (sometimes) Wonder Boy Grimm (sometimes) Allan Sammitch (sometimes) Lothar Mxy SoM Ray MEM Digby/BSAMS
And that's pretty much it, right? Including me, that's seventeen people. Nowhereman comes and goes. As do a couple of others like Jeff, Elisa, and Doc.Midnight.
We need a membership drive. New blood. And for godssake Reax, don't hound them like your personal homosexual obsession ("your mother's personal homosexual obsession"). I'd like to continue to give a crap about posting here. I don't want to see it sit here in a stagnant circle-jerk of Nowhereman's Brian Blessed impersonations, G-Man's Hard-Right neurosis, Wondy's conspiracy paranoia, and my overt Doctor Who fetish. I'd LOVE to see the Rob's boards I'd stay up all night posting on during the weekends, and some weeknights, when it was a huge family of retards trying to out-post the other. Those were the good-old-days of the RKMBs. Wednesday. Harley. Sneaks. Sonhaven. Big Pimp Tim. Cowgirl Jack. Even Beardguy was entertaining!
That's what this place needs. A shot of new blood and loss of apathy...
Are you fucking kidding me? Not even a mention for PJP? Nice.