It's apples and oranges. I've already pointed how their different cases. I'm going to do it again in nice bullete points:
-Stewart and COlbert are comedy shows that represent 1 hour of airtime four times a week. FOx has featured stories on the mosque all day long.
-Stewart has directly mentioned who owns the network and has directly by name mocked his boss, this is something that a comedy show is not obligated to do but is a sign of ethics on his part.
-I'm already bored with this and I know you'll respond with a little one liner once again mocking me and avoiding the actual facts. I'm still annoyed that your little bitch boy rex has posted yet another thread using my real name that will show up in a google search. THis started with you combing through my geocities link to use my name to mock me. Like the coward you are, you use my name when all you are is "G-man," a nothing internet user name that a coward like yourself hides behind to be a cunt online.
Go fuck yourself, you useless piece of shit. I'm so tired of you.
strong men also cry, ray.
strong men also cry.