Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I don't think you're a "nice guy". I think you're a spineless and spiteful little weasel. And I think you deserve whatever you get, for your vindictive behavior that surely extends into your personal life off these boards.

Oh well hey, if we're going to get personal here...I mean, I don't speak for Ray, but I'd love to tell you that YOU are, in fact, the most ignorant, selfish, simple-minded fool I've ever run into in life. Ever since the DCMBs, it's been obvious that you are a close-minded bigot who hates all things and people that do not fall within his pre-conceived version of the world. You have nothing but genuine hate in your heart, born from a Fire-and-Brimstone religious conversion that has twisted all compassion in your soul to an undeserved judgmental hypocrisy. And the truly pathetic aspect of it all? You willfully blind yourself from the facts of life and the world to better serve the psychological walls you have constructed that filter your vision of reality. You were born ignorant, and will die the same. Good luck with that, and I hope we never meet in real life...

I almost came.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.