Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
The United States of America, when work ethics were superior.

Actually I think people are working longer and harder these days. In the last couple of years companies have generally cut their payroll and shifted more work onto fewer hands.

When peole are working 12-plus hours a day in unsafe sweat-shop conditions, I'll cease to think that comparison is melodramatic. And when children cease attending school to start working at age 10 or younger.

I'd agree that our standard of living is declining, and that middle class wages have been barely staying even with, or declining, against inflation. And that companies are cutting workers and heaping more work on less employees. But it's still a far cry from 100 years ago.
And arguably, the instability Obama and the Democrats have created with high deficits and more taxes and entitlements is exactly what is causing the corporate cutbacks and lack of growth that is heaping more work and hours on the employees who still have jobs.

Since the wealthy have only had tax cuts for many years now how can you make that argument? They've been making the profits and just not doing what republicans say they would do with them.

Fair play!