Stranger: Hey, Gabriel, M, 19, looking for a girl to marry me. Would be you that one?
You: How many cows can your family trade my family for my hand in marriage?
Stranger: hmmm...
Stranger: something about 50...
Stranger: is it enough?
You: I'm worth more than that.
Stranger: i know!
Stranger: but that's just a part of the deal...
Stranger: =]
You: How big is your cock?
Stranger: hmmmmm...
Stranger: i'm not sure...
Stranger: 17cm
Stranger: 18cm
You: Mine is bigger than that.
Stranger: good to you
You: But my pussy is also huge.
You: I'm a shemale.
Stranger: hehehehehe
Stranger: let's restart this conversation?

You: Are you afraid of me now?
Stranger: no...
Stranger: i'm just wanting to talk a little more serious...
Stranger: meet the real person
You: I'm bein seriousl
You: serious.
You: I need to find a man quickly.
You: The other night I was drunk and accidentally fucked myself.
Stranger: hasuishaiushsaiuhsiuhsaiuas
You: I didn't use a condom.
Stranger: i love this omegle
Stranger: many crazy people
You: I need to find a husband so I can tell my parents that I'm not the dad.
Stranger: hahahahaha
Stranger: hey
Stranger: i'll search for another one to talk serious...
Stranger: ok?
Stranger: pleasure to meet u
Stranger: you're really funny
Stranger: btw
You: I'm being serious.
Stranger: what's your name?
You: Please marry me.
You: My name is uschi.
Stranger: ok
Stranger: byebye uschi