, and 99% of comics in general ( granted I still get a few books and most are for artist reasons--Tiny Titans is my favorite monthly comic if that says anything).
1. Gimmicks- Not "This issue is a game changer! Spider-Man will never be the same!" headlines we get as a wink. I'm talking about changing costumes, revealing identities to the public, mystical divorce, yellow bugs, etc.
2. Death and Rebirth- Never again should a fan or reader believe that any character is ever truly dead (except Ralph and Sue Dibney-snifff). If Barry and Bucky can come back ....anyone can.
3.Cover Madness- Yes , I don't have to buy them, but it reminds me of the early 1990s obsession of style over substance...the thing that killed comics to begin with--that is bad and a bad memory.
4.Any Character or Team With More Than 2 or 3 Titles Per Month- Yeah, I'm talking to you Spider-Man and you Wolverine....yeah, and even you Rob-Man...sorry, Batman. Why does Thor have 6 titles out now? Seriously, people like to get all the books so they get the whole story---this is now financially impossible with $3.99 and $4.99 books.Even if many are mini-series there is always a new mini to take the others place. I haven't bothered to buy an "X" book in more than 12 years because I can no longer keep track of what is going on without footnotes.
5. Editorial- Speaking of knowing what is going on in comics....I hate when paid Editors don't do their job which is...editing. Even Editors can not keep track of what is going on in monthly titles and how characters are portrayed. I'm not talking only superficial stuff here. I mean character 'A' being dead, red, bled, wed, or outed and it not be addressed elsewhere for months not just a few weeks.Acting one way in one book and a completely opposite way in another, etc.
6. Writing for the trade-- Hey, I like TPBs too, but let stories flow naturally. If a story needs to be 2 issues then so be it...or even 8 issues-great. There is no reason all TPBs need to be 5 or 6 issues worth of material. Why not a 3 issue trade or a 7 issue trade-they can have different prices? New storylines either drag on too long (see the new Avengers book-either)or feel too rushed (see Marvel: Siege). Yes, some like to wait for the trade, but there is no reason to write for the trade, unless you are admitting that the monthly comic format is dead.
Add your own pet peeves and dislikes ....
Oh, and as an addition ( now remember I only get about 8 titles a month now) number 1 or 2 above is biting my favorite title in a couple of months--the Fantastic Four. It has literally taken a good 10 years for this book to be good again, and within a year of it happening it will become The Fantastic Three...Oy.
Last edited by Pig Iran; 2010-11-15 1:33 AM.