Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Actually Bush's medical deal was a total give away that will greatly add to the debt every year. There was no attempt to pay for anything, that's only expected of democratic presidents during recessions silly.

As for the wars, reallistically no we couldn't just pull out those countries now that we're there. What would have been nice though is if there had been some plan beyond getting there and hanging the mission accomplished signs.

The partisan lies in this post are almost beyond the ability to count.

You mean the prescription drug plan Bush signed with Ted Kennedy and the Democrats? The one that at the time was considered a model of bipartisanship? The same one that at turns Democrats claim as their achievement, or when they are trying to spin it negatively, spin as "Bush's prescription plan" and deny their heavy involvement in it?
How infuriatingly deceitful of the Left.


I was talking about the one 204 house republicans voted for. 16 democrats also voted for it but don't try to spin who supported it. The votes are public record... house.gov

One of those that voted for it was none other than Boehner! It's just more of the same old bs the GOP dished last time they were out of power.

Fair play!