O Holy Night - South Park
Eric Cartman

Mr. Garrison: Eric Cartman can't seem to remember the words to O Holy Night.
We're gonna use a little shock therapy.
I'm gonna give one of you children this cattle prod and if Eric forgets any words, just shock him a little. Okay?

Mr. Garrison: Here you go Kyle why don't you take it

(music starts)
Kyle: SWEET!

Mr. Garrison: Okay Eric whenever you're ready

Cartman: And, Oh holy ni- (Shock) Ow!
Hey what was that for, I didn't Screw up!

Kyle: Ha Ha

Mr Garrison: No Kyle you can't shock him unless he forgets the words.

Kyle: Sorry Mr. Garrison

Cartman: And, O holy night the stars are brightly shining,
It is the night of our dear saviour's birth.
O holy night....(mumbles) (Shock)

Children: HAHAHA

Cartman: It is the night with the Christmas trees and pie (Shock)


Cartman: Cause Jesus was born and--so we give him presents (Shock) OW
Uum (Shock)(OW) decorations.. (Shock) OK on the tree
Fall on your knees and hear the angels .... voices (Shock) OW!
O night divine

Mr. Garrison: Very nice Eric.

Cartman: O night, o night divine ----
There see I remembered that whole chorus didn't even have to...

Mr. Garrison: MISSED IT!

Cartman: Oh night (Shock) DEEEVIIINE

Kyle: Dang Cartman

Mr. Garrison: WOW.....

Cartman: O night, O night...divine
(Shock) (Shock)

Children: Ha, Ha (Shock) (Shock)

Mr. Garrison: Ok Eric, now we're gonna do the French words

Cartman: WHAT?!