Ways To Know You Are In Love
The most common but most important feeling is the indescribable butterflies in your stomach.
When you can’t stop thinking about the person despite all your efforts, you may be in love. When the mention of the name is enough to bring a smile to your face, then you may have fallen in love.
When you start caring for the person more than you even care for yourself. However, there is a very thin line between caring about a person and actually loving a person. So interpret the feelings before you express your love.
One sure-fire factor is that you care for him/her like a family or even more than a family and you feel happy when your partner is happy. Actually, love is feeling of oneness and when you start enjoying the joys of your partner, you should know you are in love.
You feel corny and you can talk to him/her endlessly without getting bored. When it is just a crush, you would get bored after a while. In addition, when you are in love, you would remember even silly things about your partner.
When you are in love, you feel fiercely protective about your partner and you feel proud of them.
It is truly said that when you are in love, you have no eye for anyone other than each other. If you don’t even mind general PDA that is public display of affection like holding hands etc, then you may surely be in love.
If you feel, you can do anything or everything for him/her than you may be in love.
If you accept your partner as he/she is and doesn’t wish any change in him/her and even a gross habit doesn’t disgust you, then you surely may be in love.
If you just play online love quiz and read his/her horoscope, then you may be in love. When your heart skips a beat every time you see him/her you may have fallen in love.
When you can just walk ten blocks to just see him/her, then you may surely be in love. When he/she is the first person, you search in a party or a gathering and after you have seen him/her a warm feeling fills your heart and you feel safe and happy, there is something really happening.
When he/she is the first thing in your mind when you wake up and the last thing when you go for sleep.
When even after a hectic schedule and a bad day at work, a glimpse of him/her can make your forget about all the bad things that had happened to you that day.