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A former official of one of the country's most-powerful unions, SEIU, has a secret plan to "destabilize" the country.

The plan is designed to destroy JP Morgan, nuke the stock market, and weaken Wall Street's grip on power, thus creating the conditions necessary for a redistribution of wealth and a change in government.

The former SEIU official, Stephen Lerner, spoke in a closed session at a Pace University forum last weekend.

The Blaze procured what appears to be a tape of Lerner's remarks. Many Americans will undoubtely sympathize with and support them. Still, the "destabilization" plan is startling in its specificity, especially coming so close on the heels of the financial crisis.

Lerner said that unions and community organizations are, for all intents and purposes, dead. The only way to achieve their goals, therefore--the redistribution of wealth and the return of "$17 trillion" stolen from the middle class by Wall Street--is to "destabilize the country."

Lerner's plan is to organize a mass, coordinated "strike" on mortgage, student loan, and local government debt payments--thus bringing the banks to the edge of insolvency and forcing them to renegotiate the terms of the loans. This destabilization and turmoil, Lerner hopes, will also crash the stock market, isolating the banking class and allowing for a transfer of power.

Lerner's plan starts by attacking JP Morgan Chase in early May, with demonstrations on Wall Street, protests at the annual shareholder meeting, and then calls for a coordinated mortgage strike.

Lerner also says explicitly that, although the attack will benefit labor unions, it cannot be seen as being organized by them. It must therefore be run by community organizations.

Lerner was ousted from SEIU last November, reportedly for spending millions of the union's dollars trying to pursue a plan like the one he details here. It is not clear what, if any, power and influence he currently wields. His main message--that Wall Street won the financial crisis, that inequality in this country is hitting record levels, and that there appears to be no other way to stop the trend--will almost certainly resonate.

A transcript of Lerner's full reported remarks is below, courtesy of The Blaze. We have heard the tape, but we have not independently verified that the voice is Lerner's. You can listen to the tape here.

Here are the key remarks:

Unions are almost dead. We cannot survive doing what we do but the simple fact of the matter is community organizations are almost dead also. And if you think about what we need to do it may give us some direction which is essentially what the folks that are in charge - the big banks and everything - what they want is stability.

There are actually extraordinary things we could do right now to start to destabilize the folks that are in power and start to rebuild a movement.

For example, 10% of homeowners are underwater right their home they are paying more for it then its worth 10% of those people are in strategic default, meaning they are refusing to pay but they are staying in their home that's totally spontaneous they figured out it takes a year to kick me out of my home because foreclosure is backed up

If you could double that number you would you could put banks at the edge of insolvency again.

Students have a trillion dollar debt

We have an entire economy that is built on debt and banks so the question would be what would happen if we organized homeowners in mass to do a mortgage strike if we get half a million people to agree it would literally cause a new finical crisis for the banks not for us we would be doing quite well we wouldn't be paying anything...

We have to think much more creatively. The key thing... What does the other side fear the most - they fear disruption. They fear uncertainty. Every article about Europe says in they rioted in Greece the markets went down

The folks that control this country care about one thing how the stock market goes what the bond market does how the bonuses goes. We have a very simple strategy:

* How do we bring down the stock market
* How do we bring down their bonuses
* How do we interfere with there ability to be rich...

So a bunch of us around the country think who would be a really good company to hate we decided that would be JP Morgan Chase and so we are going to roll out over the next couple of months what would hopefully be an exciting campaign about JP Morgan Chase that is really about challenge the power of Wall Street.

And so what we are looking at is the first week in May can we get enough people together starting now to really have an week of action in New York I don't want to give any details because I don't know if there are any police agents in the room.

The goal would be that we will roll out of New York the first week of May. We will connect three ideas

* that we are not broke there is plenty of money
* they have the money - we need to get it back
* and that they are using Bloomberg and other people in government as the vehicle to try and destroy us

And so we need to take on those folks at the same time. And that we will start here we are going to look at a week of civil disobedience - direct action all over the city. Then roll into the JP Morgan shareholder meeting which they moved out of New York because I guess they were afraid because of Columbus.

There is going to be a ten state mobilization to try and shut down that meeting and then looking at bank shareholder meetings around the country and try and create some moments like Madison except where we are on offense instead of defense

Where we have brave and heroic battles challenging the power of the giant corporations. We hope to inspire a much bigger movement about redistributing wealth and power in the country and that labor can’t do itself that community groups can’t do themselves but maybe we can work something new and different that can be brave enough and daring and nimble enough to do that kind of thing.

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Wow. I know MEM will still defend the unions even after this revelation. I'm assuming catching them red handed planning a complete financial meltdown of the US will finally bring JLA back to his sense.

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Lerner above.
Cloward and Piven Strategy.
Van Jones.
George Soros.
William Ayers and the Weather Underground.
Code Pink.

All individuals and groups on the Left who want to destroy this country, and carve up its corpse to remake it into a socialist/marxist utopia, and murder tens of millions who don't ascribe to their worldview once in power.

This Lerner guy is just the latest driver on that crazy train.

If 80% of the media weren't in bed with these people, they would be exposed, removed from power and shunned. Instead of empowered by the media's abdication of responsibility. And beyond mere silence --in the case of reporting on Obama and many other Democrats-- promoting and flying cover for him.

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I'm not trolling here, just genuinely curious and not able to understand stuff. But what will people get when they attack banks? Wouldn't that hurt the little people in the long run?

I mean, here in our country there's currently a feud between Banco Filipino and Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (it's a very complicated issue going back to the Marcos Era) but the main gist is that BSP declared BF to be insolvent, and ordered its closure.

What resulted from these is that the depositors of Banco Filipino (their clients are usually farmers, vendors from rural areas, and small businessmen) were unable to withdraw their deposits while the bank is on an indefinite bank holiday.

The bottomline is that the owners and executives of the bank are currently locked in a court battle with BSP, while the depositors are piling up in droves, knocking at closed bank doors, and basically unsure as to what will happen to their life savings (espcially right now, where money is needed for school tuition).

The PDIC (phil depositors insurance something) has stepped in but they are only able to reimburse up to 5 thousand pesos, which is stupid because people don't put amounts that small in banks.

There's also another subtle effect, as people have started withdrawing their deposits from banks that are otherwise healthy, out of fear that the same will happen to them. This resulted in some of the banks closing their ATM machines in order to stave off the withdrawals, which resulted in even more paranoia.

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I'm just so upset that the Beck people have exposed the plan!

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I'm just so upset that the Black people have exposed the plan!

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 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
I'm not trolling here, just genuinely curious and not able to understand stuff. But what will people get when they attack banks? Wouldn't that hurt the little people in the long run?

I mean, here in our country there's currently a feud between Banco Filipino and Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (it's a very complicated issue going back to the Marcos Era) but the main gist is that BSP declared BF to be insolvent, and ordered its closure.

What resulted from these is that the depositors of Banco Filipino (their clients are usually farmers, vendors from rural areas, and small businessmen) were unable to withdraw their deposits while the bank is on an indefinite bank holiday.

The bottomline is that the owners and executives of the bank are currently locked in a court battle with BSP, while the depositors are piling up in droves, knocking at closed bank doors, and basically unsure as to what will happen to their life savings (espcially right now, where money is needed for school tuition).

The PDIC (phil depositors insurance something) has stepped in but they are only able to reimburse up to 5 thousand pesos, which is stupid because people don't put amounts that small in banks.

There's also another subtle effect, as people have started withdrawing their deposits from banks that are otherwise healthy, out of fear that the same will happen to them. This resulted in some of the banks closing their ATM machines in order to stave off the withdrawals, which resulted in even more paranoia.

It's an economic coup. Much like when the communists took over Russia. You generally have people who have never worked a real job(Obama) and people that get rich off of other peoples work(union bosses) getting the common man in the street to believe someone took something from them by making them compete in an open market for their pay. The problem is as history has always proven, once the communists and socialists take control they merely imprison or bankrupt the rich and then take over the financial and commercial institutions of the country, and conditions get worse and worse for the workers even as the leaders live in luxury.

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This is a good way to seperate the crazy conservatives from the normal ones.

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The Soviet Union never existed did it MEM?


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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

This is a good way to seperate the crazy conservatives from the normal ones.

Right, M E M...'s the conservatives who are crazy. Definitely not the leftist revolutionaries plotting to topple our government, establish a new socialist order, and abuse that power to eliminate all dissenters.
"And by 'eliminate' I mean kill."

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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What the former SEIU official was saying was nuts too although I missed the part where he advocated killing conservatives. He says unions are dead and yet they're the ones that are going to do all this? Oh and even better is we have Beck as a player as well...

Beck Warns About People "Collaps[ing] The System"
Beck: "Who In Their Right Mind Thinks Another Financial Crisis Is A Good Thing?" Describing comments made by Stephen Lerner, a speaker at a convention in New York, Beck said on his March 22 radio show, "it is in fact economic terrorism." He continued:

BECK: Now, what they will do is, they will cause these scare tactics, and they will force the banks -- according to this plan outline, you'll see it at -- they will force the banks to refinance all of the state loans, all of the county. And the banks will not be able to do it. And he says that's the plan -- to bring them to the edge of financial collapse, because if we can cause enough chaos, if we can bring them to the edge of financial collapse, we can collapse the system and we can cause another financial crisis.

Now, who in their right mind thinks another financial crisis is a good thing? And who thinks that this government is going to be able to survive? [Premiere Radio Networks, The Glenn Beck Program, 3/22/11]

But Beck Himself Has Repeatedly Said Our Economic "System" Needs To Be "Taken Down"
Beck: A "Depression" Is "Necessary" To "Reset" Or "Equalize" The "System"; "It Needs To Be Taken Down, And Then We Rebuild It Back Up." From Beck's radio show:

BECK: Your range of possibilities are, this is a recession that we're in right now, and it's going to turn around, and all of these things are going to fix it, and we're gonna be able to grow out of this massive debt. That's a possibility. I think the odds of that are unbelievably slim. I mean, it's not even worth -- for me, it's not even worth considering. But it might -- that might happen. It's on the scale of possibilities.

The next is, this is as good as it gets for a while, and it's going to just slowly drift kind of down over the next few years, but this is kind of where we're at. I think that's a possibility, but I don't think that lasts long. I think we're going to have times where it goes up, and then it comes back down, and goes back up, and then comes back down. But there is a point to where it will dawn on people, you know, in the banking sector, in the central banks around the world, in the people who loan us money that it is unsustainable, and it will change, and change rapidly.

Then you go into the next possibility, is a depression. Live like our grandparents. I would have told you a year ago -- in fact, I did -- that that is what we are headed for, and that is what is necessary to be able to reboot the system. The system -- not reboot, sorry -- to reset it, to equalize. There have been too many mistakes, and it needs to be taken down, and then we rebuild it back up. That's still a possibility. I think that's a growing possibility every day, the most likely and the safest of bets in my world, the way I look at things. [Premiere Radio Networks, The Glenn Beck Program, 12/10/09]

Beck: "I'm Telling You This System Will Never Work. ... Let It Come Down And Retool." From Beck's radio show:

BECK: There is a -- to everything, there is a season. This is the season for awakening. This is not the season for playing -- why are we depending on the same things that got us here? We're depending on parties. We're depending on the ballot box. We must be engaged in the ballot box. We must be engaged in politics. We must be engaged in watching our courts. We must be standing up for these things. But that is not the answer. That is not the answer.

Look at what we do every time. We treat the symptom. We've got to stop treating the symptom. We're taking aspirin. We're hemorrhaging. We're hemorrhaging. And we're treating that gash in the side of our neck or on our -- on an artery as if it's a flesh wound: "Here, let me put some Bactracin [sic] on it. Here, let me just put a Band-Aid on it. Take some aspirin." We're hemorrhaging. We have cut an artery.

We've got to go in and do the hard things. And that's on spending. We must do the hard things. And God bless you, America. God bless America. For 21 straight months -- 21 straight months -- you have lowered your debt. Now, the government doesn't like that because you're not spending money. And again for this system to work, you've got to spend money. But I'm telling you this system will never work. We're only delaying our death. Let it do what Coolidge did. Let it come down and retool. It led to the Roaring '20s. Cut it.

I understand. We -- are you telling me that we are less of the people than we were? And maybe the answer to this is yes. I don't think so. But are we less of the people than we were in 1920? Are we less of the people than we were in 1865? Are we less of the people than we were in 1776, 1791? Are we less American? Only if we choose to be.

Is this land less blessed than we've all been raised? Well, not all of us. Not the Marxists. Not almost everybody that works at the White House. Are we somehow or another less blessed as a land than we always have been? I think the answer to that one is yes. [Premiere Radio Networks, The Glenn Beck Program, 8/12/10]

Beck: "You're Going To Go Through A Tough Time First As The Economy Changes Over. ... We Need To Have That Bottoming-Out Period." From Beck's radio show:

BECK: Now, here's the real choice. The real choice is we can continue to buy these lies -- from the Republicans and the Democrats, because this is what I was looking for from George W. Bush, and he never did. Or you can listen to an adult, again what I was expecting. You can listen to an adult and have an adult tell you, "We're in trouble, gang. We are in real, deep trouble." And the longer we wait, the worse and the longer the recovery period is. If you take the pain, like we did in 1921, '22, you will create a period of real prosperity.

But it -- what happens is, you're going to go through a tough time first as the economy changes over. And we need to do that. We need to have that bottoming-out period, and then change us over. Let -- free up the entrepreneur, and they will create wealth.

But the longer we wait, the more businesses we drive out of this country, so the wealth is gone of -- the uber-wealth will be gone. The great minds will be gone. The American people will become trapped, because there will be no infrastructure left, because everything will go overseas. The medium amounts of money, the merely rich in this country, will lose their money, because their money will be confiscated from them by the federal government. It will be taken in higher and higher taxes. And so your entrepreneurs will be killed. All of the good ones, all of the big ones -- they'll go someplace else. They'll all go to Asia.

And what we'll be left with is nothing to rebuild. Nothing but our land. [Premiere Radio Networks, The Glenn Beck Program, 9/23/10]


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there needs to be some sort of equivalent to godwin's law pertaining to how quickly glenn beck is invoked in a political argument.


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Or MediaMatters/RAW for that matter.

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MEM can't counter the fact that the SEIU official said these things so he blames Beck, and invokes Media Matters. Can you actually refute it was said MEM or just side step it?

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Bsams wasn't able to read the first part of my last post apparently? I think both the former SEIU person and Beck are nuts when they talk about the system going down as being a good thing.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

Bsams wasn't able to read the first part of my last post apparently? I think both the former SEIU person and Beck are nuts when they talk about the system going down as being a good thing.

Beck is crazy? For citing people like Obama himself, Van Jones, George Soros, Saul Alinsky, Cloward and Piven, SEIU officials, Obamacare and Stimulus legislation writer Jeff Jones (of the Weather Underground) and his Apollo Alliance, union leaders and other highly appointed officials in the Federal government, and other leftist radicals coordinating with those in government?

Beck is crazy for pointing out their ideology, what they said, in their own words, in written statements, on TV and on radio?

Beck is crazy for showing how they not only said these things, but are actively pursuing these policies, and that their stated goals are destruction of the United States?

William Ayers and the Weather Underground clearly envisioned "re-education" and mass genocide, in the millions. I know you are trying to dismiss this as one group of crazies. But Barack Obama, and the leadership of ACORN and SEIU are directly connected to William Ayers.

And many other like-minded protestors have said over and over in videotaped and youtubed public statements that they would like to see their conservative opposition killed, use violence to turn this country into Mubarek's Egypt, and otherwise adopt Bolshevik tactics to harass, intimidate, terrorize and murder their opposition into submission to their goals (and their goals, again --stated!-- are the destruction of the United States.)

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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This was the first of several programs over the last two years that gave a great overview of anti-American leftist radicalism over the last 40 years or so, how Obama is the fully indoctrinated direct ideological descendant of these people (Ayers, Wright, Alinsky, Cloward & Piven).
And how many of these people are either working in Obama's White House (Ron Bloom, Mark Lloyd, Van Jones, Valerie Jarrett, Anita Dunn), writing policy Obama has pushed through (Jeff Jones), or are otherwise externally coordinating with the Obama White House to slander his opposition in the pursuit of severely damaging our economic system and democracy (SEIU, AFL-CIO, ACORN, George Soros).

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glen beck \:lol\:

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.
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 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab

It's an economic coup. Much like when the communists took over Russia. You generally have people who have never worked a real job(Obama) and people that get rich off of other peoples work(union bosses) getting the common man in the street to believe someone took something from them by making them compete in an open market for their pay. The problem is as history has always proven, once the communists and socialists take control they merely imprison or bankrupt the rich and then take over the financial and commercial institutions of the country, and conditions get worse and worse for the workers even as the leaders live in luxury.


You missed this small detail:

Lerner was ousted from SEIU last November, reportedly for spending millions of the union's dollars trying to pursue a plan like the one he details here. It is not clear what, if any, power and influence he currently wields.

The American Communist SEIU shitcanned Lerner for his attempted overthrow of Wall Street, or whatever it is you're hyperventilating over this week.

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I tried to overthrow Wall Street once. It's harder than I expected.

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This guy will get it done. Forget that he lost his job over the plan, bsams made this quite clear.

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 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
Santa is real.

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Who broke bsams?

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Make it stop!

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

Who broke bsams?

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Anything to sidestep the union corruption!

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We seem to have multiple threads showing bsams doesn't understand who is and who isn't in a union.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man

We seem to have multiple threads showing bsams doesn't understand who is and who isn't in a union.

For some strange reason I don't see him pinning the latest fail. His fuck up here will be enough for now.

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Detective MEM and JLA, the title of this thread is "Former" the fact that it took you morons hours to figure out he was "former" by re-reading the article is hilarious enough. The fact that this gives the SEIU a free pass in your minds is hilarious/tragic.

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 Originally Posted By: Irwin Schwab
Detective MEM and JLA, the title of this thread is "Former" the fact that it took you morons hours to figure out he was "former" by re-reading the article is hilarious enough.


I acknowledged him being a "former" employee in my first post.

The fact that this gives the SEIU a free pass in your minds is hilarious/tragic.

A "free pass"? They fired him. What more do you want them to do?

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Calm down man. It's gunna be ok. It's just a debate, don't get so emotional.

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You're right. The SEIU should have burned his house down or something.

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Wow. I never would have posted this if I knew you were gunna get so upset. I expect MEM to have a hissy but I thought you would just laugh it off. It's just the news man, don't let it ruin your day.

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Oh, I'm laughing at you, trust me.

Thanks for pinning this one.

Go ahead and pin the other one. The one with the FAA controller working for the union.


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I hope you find peace today. It's not the first time the SEIU has been caught doing dirty crap to the nation and it won't be the last.

As long as you can blame Beck for what this guy said, I'm guessing you'll feel better.

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"Dirty crap" = firing the guy?

Do you want them to hire him back?

You're really not making any sense here.

As I'm sure you know, your boy Peck made a big fuss over this as well. You remind me of him more and more each day.

Especially the crying part.

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You're circular logic is amazing. I'm sure it helps you deal with your issues. But seriously man get a grip. You shouldn't invest so much time being angry over the union being exposed.

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Thanks Digby, and thanks to Peck for "exposing" the union for firing him.

I don't listen to Peck, so if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have known that Lerner lost his job over his plan to recreate the Soviet Union.

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 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA

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