Complete bias leads to limitations...

And reax, I don't think that's true about running a light for an hour compared to turning it on....I don't think that's the same amount (or more) energy used. In fact, logic would dictate that having a light off for an hour would lower my bill by that much. Versus, turning a light on? No, I'm pretty sure my bill is not affected by turning a light on, or off. Just how long it's in said position. I think you're getting the facts mixed up with cars and fuel (how idling for a long time will drik gas moreso than driving it).
As for "feeling good" versus "doing good"? I don't know. Maybe some of it is psychological. But, either way, if it's between running my electric bill up to pay the corporate masters, or turning it off to feel better about something and lower my bill, I think any rational person would choose the obvious latter...