Originally Posted By: allan1
So yeah,after dinner last night,my girlfriend and I head over to Target to walk it off and she decides she's going to buy a Kindle."Cool" I thought.....while she talks it up with Sammitch over the finer points of the standard vs. the 3G version,I wander over to the game section and just looking over the DS games in case I spy something for my daughter I can get for Christmas when it struck me that I really would like to play some more Zelda(I kept looking at the Zelda game) and figured..."What the hell." So the girlfriend comes over and says she's definitely getting a Kindle to which I reply...."Yeah.I'm going to get a DS."So Sammitch gets her Kindle,my DS,Zelda and,for shits and giggles,Force Unleashed II.

Played Zelda for six hours.....soooooooo a "Gamin' With Al" review will be forthcoming.Watch for it.

So a Kindle, huh. I was thinking of getting one later on this year.