Oh please, Gordon. It's a very well known and understood social 'no-no' to compare black people with monkeys. It's not like they used images of fat, lazy cats, sleeping hippos, or Dodo's looking clueless. They used monkeys specifically because he's black. And they did it to his parents. Don't know about Obama, but I'd punch this bitch in the mouth just based on playground rules. No one on the Right should waste their time trying to defend what is, so obviously, a bad apple in the Republican organization.
But, I assume your (and Wondy's, and Pariah's, and BSAMS's and Rex's and all the rest of the SuperRightwing Friends) mind is already made up based on insta-political bias. Just thought I'd throw some reality in here for e moment before Dave comes running in with fifty mentions of the words "Liberal Media"...