Originally Posted By: Prometheus
It's a very well known and understood social 'no-no' to compare black people with monkeys. It's not like they used images of fat, lazy cats, sleeping hippos, or Dodo's looking clueless. They used monkeys specifically because he's black. And they did it to his parents.

Obama's mother is white. His mother's whole side of the family is white. Remember Obama going on about how his white grandmother was a racist (even though she helped raise him)?

So calling a white woman a monkey is racist but calling a white man isn't?

Look, I agree with you that her joke was rude, stupid and disrespectful to the office of the president. And maybe her intent was racist. Even if not, she should fucking know better.

But if we're going to start throwing around the race card (again) let's at least be willing to analyze the whole thing and consider the context of recent history too.

Or are we going to engage in another game of "it's okay when our side does it but not theirs"?