How come it's not racist to endlessly --for years--call Bush a chimp, but it's racist to (one time)jokingly show "an Obama family portrait depicting [Obama's] parents as chimpanzees"?
(I see now reading the rest of the topic that G-man and the Doctor have both commented on this as well.)

It's not a portrayal I, or an overwhelming majority of Republicans would make of Obama. There are so many legitimate issues on which to attack Obama.
About his marxist past, about his marxist/terrorist associates (David, Ayers, Wright, Khalidi, Wright...), marxists in his administration (Van Jones, Dunn, Lloyd, Sunstein, Jarett..), and just the failures of his presidency, ignoring the priorities of those who voted for him in pursuit of a radical-leftist agenda(the various stimulus, omnibus bills, banning offshore drilling that further cuts jobs and makes us dependent on foreign oil, weak foreign policy in Libya, Egypt, Iran and elsewhere, policies that have created enormous pending inflation).

Davenport is a moron for giving this kind of free "Republicans are racist" ammunition to the Democrats, and should justly be fired or resign.

Last edited by Wonder Boy; 2011-04-17 6:46 PM.