Just making sure since, you know, it's your favorite thing to do when you decide to run away from an argument without conceding a point you can't back up.
Originally Posted By: thedoctor
As much as I hate political correctness, it's ingrained into our society to the point that I couldn't see how someone could write or even read a statement like such in regards to Obama and not have even a moment of thought of, "Hey! That sounds a little racist." At least not without being a little racist themselves, which, then, they wouldn't fucking care. Again, either way, the chick is stupid. Anyone trying to defend her is being equally stupid or blindly partisan to the point that you have to defend anyone with your same, overall, political beliefs even if you think she was wrong/stupid for what she did.
I never defended her emails. I only pointed out that there's not enough evidence of racism despite Promethues' willingness to label as many people apart of the tea party as he can as some kind of discriminatory backward redneck.