Wondy...no one likes you. We all think you're fucking retarded. The folks one the left. The folks on the right. Even the people like me who think politics are complete shit. You're one of the few things that both sides agree on. Don't you get that?
Spelling counts, Knut.
It's just fashionable to ridicule certain posters, and you guys troll on me more often than others because I make the mistake of taking you seriously. But when I see crap like this, I don't take it seriously.
Over and over, I've seen where I post a political opinion, or I post a sourced article, and no matter how well I back it up with sources, or how well I say it in my own words, no matter what I'll get heat for it, and someone else saying virtually the exact same thing isn't challenged or considered over the top.
Do I sometimes say some over-the-top stuff? Sure I do. Everyone here does. But somehow my comments are more fashionable among your little clique to rip on. Whatever.
While I do think Promod is an ass to sweepingly label anyone with an opinion he doesn't like "right wing extremist" because one odd lady posted a photoshop monkey cartoon, I didn't post that "lying cocksucker" phrase with too much intended seriousness. As I said before several posts back, it's a deliberate WonderBoyism I post knowing I'll take heat for, and don't really care what you think.
You've already proven you're as much a pure troll as Rex. Have your fun, whatever, it's meaningless to me.