Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People


1. Happy Meals

Or more specifically, toys in Happy Meals. But, what kind of Happy Meal doesn't include a toy?

2. Plastic Bags

Plastic bags are currently not allowed at large chain supermarkets and drug stores, but they are considering expanding the ban to all stores.

3. Bottled Water

City money cannot be used to purchase bottled water and it cannot be sold from vending machines on city property.

4. Smoking

Tobacco cigarettes are not allowed to be smoked in buildings, and clove cigarettes are not permitted to be sold in the city at all.

5. Baby Animals

It's illegal to sell baby chickens, ducks, and rabbits in San Francisco.

6. Segways

Segways are not allowed on sidewalks or bike paths because the mayor of San Francisco thought they promoted laziness.

7. Soda

Soda and juice drinks with no real fruit juice cannot be sold from vending machines on city property.

8. Arizona

As a protest to the state's strict immigration policies, city employees (except for police officers investigating a crime) are not allowed to travel to Arizona.

9. Firearms In Advertisements

Advertisements in San Francisco cannot “promote the use of firearms or advocate any violent action.” The poster for The Other Guy had all the weapons removed just for San Francisco's Muni system last summer.

10. Sitting

In order to curb aggressive panhandling, San Francisco outlawed sitting on the street between the hours of 7am and 11pm.

\:whoa\: This is weapons-grade insanity. Even Cambridge doesn't go this far(although I wouldn't be surprised if they thought about adopting at least one or two of these ideas).