I've seen several who disagree with Rumsfeld.

But it's a tough call to say which is right, the former defense secretary, or the head of the senate intelligence committee.

We're still learning what the truth is. And it frankly doesn't lend credibility to anyone that how Bin Ladin was killed is described today vastly different from the story that was told yesterday.

Yesterday, he died fighting with a gun in his hands. Today, they're saying that Bin Ladin not only didn't have a gun, he didn't have a knife. Later today, that story was altered to say that U.S. forces "thought he was going for a gun".

Yesterday, they were saying Bin Ladin was using a woman as a human shield. Later it was changed to one of his guards was using the woman as a shield. Now it's being said that no one in the house was armed, and presumably, no woman was used as a shield.

As the story keeps changing, I believe the official story less and less.