Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Depending on how everyone has their settings notched...for my settings, I've kept Dave bouncing back like a rubber ball for 13 pages. How many want to bet on how long I can keep him going?

This has been your angle for a while now, but it seems like one of those chicken or the egg scenarios really. Who's really "bouncing back" against who here?

I mean, you're very responsive to insults. If anyone starts criticizing you, you will inevitably comment about being "mature" and follow with a graemlin or three. Then you just quote yourself over and over again in an attempt to get the last word.

Very Insurgency of you really. I mean, that was their primary strategy: tell the opposition that they're obsessed with them......Then again, you did join their ranks--in an effort to be closer to Whomod no less.

Last edited by Pariah; 2011-05-12 5:59 PM.